That's Lima


desCRIPtions of photos.

they really don't make it easy to post pictures, unfortunately. the first one is this huge statue in this nice park, in a neighborhood called Miraflores.  (I live in Jesus Also, in the background, someone is doing 'parapente', which is either hang gliding or something similar? hah i don't know the word in english. but around the statue is a long tiled wall with designs and famous lines from poems. some of the are in spanish and a few are in quechua, the language of the Incas that is still used in some parts today.

the next is a fountain in the huge park that has several different fountains.  then they have this fountain/laser/light show at night. it's really cool, and fun to take pix (I have a few more) but a little touristy.  they played american music at certain points. there are some interactive fountains as well, but you can get wet and it was cold anyway.

next is a really big shopping center called Larcomar. it's really nice and upscale, but very americanized.  i didn't buy anything there. there are a lot of really cool shops around miraflores, on the main streets, to me it's just like a Latin New York.  It's really beautiful. We're going to go back there later to do some shopping.

and finally is the coast. very pretty.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's called paragliding... Anyways, I had a similar experience to yours: When I was in Thailand, I often heard American music being played. I even heard a band at our restaurant playing American music hits from the 70's - present. My... What a small world!
