That's Lima


I'm here!

Yes I am in fact here in Lima, Peru.  We arrived around 12:30 last night... very long flight.  My family is very nice and welcoming.  I've met most of the group and all are very nice and my roommate is as well.  I do have my own room though! The neighborhood is very beautiful, lots of old brightly colored buildings.  The University of the Pacific is also very nice and has a lot of great amenities and such.  And I have wi-fi in the house so I can use my laptop! I haven't taken any pictures yet but I will soon I hope.


  1. So glad you made it safe and sound! It sounds perfect. I can't wait to see some photos of the neighborhood, your host family and the University.
    xo Amy Amy

  2. how was orientation day?
    what did you have to eat
    how's the weather
    what's your schedule like?

  3. Hah thanks Aunt Amy. I have pictures of my bedroom right now for you guys to see, I haven't really had the chance to take a lot of pics of the city and all that. I will get those up in a minute.

    And Mom, yes orientation was fine, the director of our program was very informative and thankfully she was personable and entertaining so it didn't bore me to death...we walked around the city and the university a little bit, it's really a beautiful city. It's very different, I think, to what we're used to. Today, for breakfast, I have half an avocado and some bread, some small sandwich-like snacks for lunch at orientation (OH and I tried Inca Kola, it's like bubblegum flavored cream soda, it's really good) and for dinner we had some fried fish with rice and some sort of potato salad. So far everything is pretty good. It was a little bit cold today, and windy...I think it will be like that most of the time but it's not too bad. It's not freezing or anything. schedule is decent, I have 2 classes from 8:30 til 2:30. And I live not even ten minutes walking distance from the university so it's really not bad.

  4. I didnt realize you had a roomate, where's she from and how are you getting along? Can't wait to see some pics of Lima, but especially Macchu Picchu. When do you go there? Also curious about your host family, how they wound up in Lima from Japan or wherever. Te extraño, te quiero.

  5. Hey, I remember you saying that ceviche is like the national dish of Peru. If you can find a great, authentic recipe to pass along I'd love it!

  6. Well, my roommate is really nice, she's from Colorado. We will be going to Macchu Picchu the very last weekend so it will be a while. But soon we will be taking tours and such of the city so I will post some photos soon I hope. As for ceviche, you can try making it if you want, however it is raw fish. Well, it's raw but it's "cooked" with lime. So i don't know how easy that is to do. But I will find out. Haven't tried it yet. Also, the big drink here is the "Pisco Sour", pisco is a brandy made from grapes and the cocktail has a lot of lime juice in it, sugar, and I think it might have a raw egg in it too. I want to try it but I hear it'll really tear you up if you have more than one!
