That's Lima


Photos of my room

Ok so first is the doorknob...because who would have thought that the doorknobs are different? Second is my bed, mi cama, it's really comfortable. The mattress and pillow are like memory foam i think. Next is my desk with some creepy santa clause like thing on top...I try not to look at it. And then my closet.  Yeah well it's nice! I like it! Tomorrow we are going to take a tour on a double decker bus through downtown Lima so I will take lots of pictures then! I promise!


  1. The creepy santa is too much like a clown, and I know how creepy you think clowns are, so keep your distance. Double Decker bus ride sounds like a riot, waiting to see your pics. Have fun.

  2. nice room!...does the door lock?? Focus on the cute doggy on your desk. Glad to see your pillow made it to Peru too.

    glad you like your room--

  3. Mike and I are quite scared of clowns and Santas as well. Visualize Ziggy's face in place of Santa's. Just kidding! Great room! Can't wait to see pictures of Lima from the bus. What fun!
    xoxo Aunt Amy

  4. Your room looks like it's a cozy and cute little slice of Lima. I know you will take lots of pictures to catch special moments during your trip, but remember, you can also take snapshots with your eyes that no camera can hope to capture. Those will be the special memories that you, alone, will cherish forever. Keep your eyes open for those moments.

  5. BTW - Clowns wig me out too! I have a hard time imagining that the little ones enjoy them at all. Jeez! They must be freaked out of their little minds... hehehe:)
