That's Lima


The beaches of Lima

Today we took a quick drive through the beaches.  Very beautiful, even in this gray, dull weather.
Nothing too special here, just an idea of what there mainly is to look at:

Here are these birds that are protected by the government from being hunted because people buy and sell their 'guano' to use as fertilizer.  They are all over the beaches because, well, they eat fish and stuff.

And did you guys know that Lima is called 'La Costa Verde', or The Green Coast? Because there's just sooo much green!

There were also a LOT of people surfing. This is just one of many (and a good shot of the skyline in the distance, not shielded by clouds or anything):

And I just like this photo:

As we were driving, we passed by the perfect photo, but I couldn't be like, hey! let's stop on this super busy roadway so I can take this random picture! But there was this woman sitting in her little food vendor, looking out at the road, and to the right was a group of 4 or 5 men sitting in a circle eating, and it was just sooo perfect with the beach and everything in the background. But it's ok, I know I'll always have the image in my head.

Well this one has a pretty cool story behind it.  So this is a restaurant called 'El Salto del Fraile,' which means 'Jump of the Friar.'  Over to the right, there's a man dressed up as a friar that jumps off the rocks there, like cliff diving, I'm sure you've all seen.  And we got there JUST as he was about to jump! It was crazy!  I have a video but it wouldn't load unfortunately.  It was very cool though.  The whole thing is based on this story that a very long time ago, there was a friar here that had fallen in love. And, due to his commitment to God or whatever, he couldn't do anything about it.  So he jumped off the bridge.  So here we have it, El Salto del Fraile:

I just love how much history there is here.  You don't come across very many things like this in the United States.  There are so many stories, so many wonderful things that represent the history and culture.  I was talking with my family here about why I chose to come to Peru.  When it comes to Central/South America, Peru is one of the few places with a very distinct culture (with the exception of Brasil, Argentina, and Mexico, in my opinion).  Of course, each place is different in its own unique ways, but Peru was the center of life at one point because of the Inca Empire.  Everyone came from Peru, in a way.  I mean, not that there's anything wrong with any of the other countries (I say this because I am a politically correct American speaking to other Americans..If I were speaking to a Peruvian I would not need this disclaimer), but when you think of Bolivia, Nicaragua, Uruguay...what do you think of? When you think of Peru, OH! The Andes, Incas, alpaca sweaters, gold, diverse food, diverse ways of life.  At least that's how I see it.  However, I will mention that Chile, while it may not be culturally ahead of Peru, it is intellectually and technologically advanced.  Or this is at least what people tell me.  Alright, well, that's plenty for today I think.  Chau!


  1. My goodness, thanks for uploading so many pics. I can't wait to get home and relish reading all about them... Grammy was intrigued by your door knob pic! She also enjoyed reading the first batch of posts.

  2. The door knob? Haha yeah I was a little intrigued by it too when I first saw it.
