That's Lima


El Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Antropologia, e Historia del Peru

Hello! Sorry it's been a while, I have been taking it easy this week, and I was sick for about two days.  Just a stomach thing, no big deal.  All better now, don't worry!  Well yesterday I went to the museum with some friends.  It was very interesting, they had a lot of things, like ceramic objects, from pre-colonial people in Peru.  One of the most interesting collections they had were these ceramic vases, or vessels, from the Moche people.  Each one is different and depicts a different part of society, from food to people with diseases to animals and classes of nobility and fertility rituals and I don't even know what else.  There's a lot.  Just about anything you could think of, of a pre-colonial native american person doing, there's a vase to depict it.
These are some that show, for example, the nobility is in the back higher up, and some of the others show different jobs that people held.  
They had some other stuff, too, like jewelry and gems:
And textiles too:

Oh, and this guy:

There were also a few other types of things, they had a part displaying info during the conquest, colonial and revolutionary periods and all that good stuff. So yeah there's a lot more but these pictures take forever to load! Oh well. Hasta luego!

1 comment:

  1. glad you are all better and able to visit el museo nacional. great picture tour. interesting how the art/artifacts are depicted with faces. wonder what that says about their society.
    thx for including so many of my interests- ceramics, textiles, gems, seated royals ;)
    but not you :(
    looking forward to more w/ or w/o pix...
