That's Lima



Today, I was hanging out with one of my friends from ISA.  We ended up hanging out with her host brother, who goes to another university called La Pontificial Universidad Catolica del Peru.  And it's sooooo much cooler than our university, La Universidad del Pacifico.  I couldn't believe it! Guess what, they have deer that live on the campus! It's amazing.  And because they've lived there their whole lives, they're used to being around people.  So we could go up to them and we could pet them. They're like little dogs! She was licking my face, it was amazing. Wow, I don't think I'll ever have the chance to do that anywhere else.


  1. Much cuter than the black squirrels at Kent State!

  2. Well, apparently there used to be a ton of squirrels on campus too but something happened to them and i didn't see any. but yes, deer are way cooler than any squirrel any time.
